Treponema paraluiscuniculi

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Treponema paraluiscuniculi
Department : Spirochaetae
Class : Spirochaetes
Order : Spirochaetales
Family : Spirochaetaceae
Genre : Treponema
Type : Treponema paraluiscuniculi
Scientific name
Treponema paraluiscuniculi
( Jacobsthal 1920) Smibert 1974

Treponema paraluiscuniculi is a bacterium of the genus Treponema and the causative agent of rabbit syphilis . It was first detected in the typical lesions of the disease in 1920; its genome was completely sequenced in 2011.

The bacterium is strictly host-specific. Infection occurs through contact, especially during mating. Another route of transmission is from mother to rabbit offspring at birth or when suckling.

The disease begins with reddening and swelling in the genital area, with subsequent blistering. Areas on the head, here lips, nose and eyelids, can be affected. Treatment is with penicillin and ampicillin . It is also possible to use disinfectants in the affected area.

The pathogen was also found in hares ( Oryctolagus sp. ). It is still questionable whether this is T. paraluiscuniculi or a separate species called T. paraluislepori .

T. paraluiscuniculi is closely related to Treponema pallidum .


  • Spirochaeta paraluis-cuniculi ( Jacobsthal 1920)
  • Treponema pallidum var.cuniculi ( Klarenbeek 1921)
  • Treponema cuniculi ( Noguchi 1921)
  • Spirochaeta cuniculi (Marie & Isaicu Levaditi 1921)
  • Spirochaeta pallida var.cuniculi (Klarenbeek 1921)
  • Spirochaeta paraluis (Pettit 1928)


  1. E. Jacobsthal: Investigations on a syphilis-like spontaneous disease of the rabbit (Paralues-cuniculi) . In: Derm Wschr. Volume 71, 1920, pp. 569-571
  2. D. Šmajs et al .: Complete genome sequence of Treponema paraluiscuniculi, strain Cuniculi A: the loss of infectivity to humans is associated with genome decay. In: PLOS ONE . Volume 6, number 5, 2011, p. E20415, doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0020415 , PMID 21655244 , PMC 3105029 (free full text).