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The trichofolliculoma is a benign tumor of the appendages of the skin . Clinically, it appears as a papule about 0.5 cm in size , often with a centrally emerging tuft of hair that is filled with horny substance on the inside .


Trichofolliculomas occur in humans mainly in the neck and head area of ​​adults.

In guinea pigs it is the most common skin tumor (→ guinea pig diseases ).


Histologically , a trichofolliculoma is characterized by one or more enlarged hair follicles that are surrounded by additional hair follicles. The cystic cavity contains horny substance or vellus hairs , occasionally rudimentary hair roots, sebum tissue and epithelial cell cords. If there is a particularly large amount of sebum tissue, one speaks of a sebum trichofolliculoma . The tumor is surrounded by a cell-rich connective tissue .


Therapy is carried out by surgical removal.


  • Helmut Kerl: Histopathology of the Skin . Springer-Verlag 2003, ISBN 9783540419013 , p. 666.
  • Reinhard Mischke: Cytological internship for veterinary medicine . Schlütersche 2005, ISBN 9783899930139 , p. 188.