Trichomycosis palmellina

from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Trichomycosis palmellina also Trichobacteriosis palmellina is a by saprophytic bacteria of the genus Corynebacterium , in particular C. tenue induced skin disease , which is on the Sekundärbehaarung , manifested especially the armpits, in rarer cases, the pubic hair.

The pathogens are a normal part of the skin flora , but under certain conditions ( hyperhidrosis , poor hygiene ) they can colonize the secondary hair.

There is a icing-like, thin, whitish-yellow coating on the hair shafts . The covering is difficult to remove and in individual cases can also be discolored from red to dark brown. In the case of massive infestation, an unpleasant odor occurs.

Treatment is symptomatic by shaving the affected skin area. As a prophylactic can in addition to one

or in refractory cases


This text is based in whole or in part on the entry Trichobacteriosis palmellina in the Flexikon , a Wiki of the DocCheck company . The takeover took place on March 17, 2009 under the then valid GNU license for free documentation .