Trigonometric Pythagoras

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Geometric illustration of the "trigonometric Pythagoras"

As a " trigonometric Pythagoras " the identity

designated. Here stands for and for . The validity of this identity can be shown on the unit circle with the help of the Pythagorean theorem , which is also eponymous for this frequently used theorem of trigonometry .

Geometric derivation

The Pythagorean theorem serves as the basis . It says that in a right triangle with the hypotenuse and the cathetus and

applies. If the angle in the right-angled triangle is chosen so that its opposite side and its adjacent side is, then the following applies in general


Substituting both equations into the Pythagorean theorem then gives


Geometric illustration

The adjacent sketch shows the unit circle , i.e. a circle with radius 1, and a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse length 1 in the unit circle. The Pythagorean theorem applies here to any value of the angle in the unit circle and immediately shows the validity of the "trigonometric Pythagoras".

Analytical derivation

The evidential value of the perception is problematic for obtuse and hyper-obtuse angles , since for such (at least) one angle function has negative values; what are "negative sides" of a right triangle? An analytical proof shows that the trigonometric Pythagoras holds for any real arguments of the used trigonometric functions.

With the imaginary unit and the third binomial formula we can factorize:

since the cosine is an even function and the sine is an odd function , Euler's formula continues:


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lothar Papula: Mathematics for Engineers and Natural Scientists Volume 1 . Springer,, ISBN 978-3-8348-1749-5 , p. 251.
  2. Hans Kreul, Harald Ziebarth: Mathematics made easy . Harri Deutsch Verlag, August 2009, ISBN 978-3-8171-1836-6 , p. 94.