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Trinambai is a word in the Mooringer dialect of the North Frisian language and the winner of the competition Dåt smukst nordfriisk uurd 2009 (Frisian for The most beautiful North Frisian word 2009 ) organized by the Nordfriisk Instituut . The word means “all around”, but also stands for “surrounding” or “surroundings”. It includes the people and animals that live there. The word was selected by a jury from the working group on language and literature from over a hundred suggestions, including trinämbai (the same word in Wiedinghard Frisian ).


This versatile and difficult to translate expression inspired a Stockholm publisher when it was named: Trinambai. He wants to express the close relationship to society.


  • Trinambai - Et smukst nordfriisk uurd 2009 . In: North Friesland . No. 168 . Nordfriisk Instituut, December 2009, ISSN  0029-1196 , p. 5 ( [PDF]).
  • Nothing and nobody is excluded . In: Nordfriesland Tageblatt . October 20, 2009.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the publisher (English), accessed on April 10, 2015