Tristan Barczak

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Tristan Barczak (born January 16, 1985 in Münster ) is a German lawyer and professor at the University of Passau .


He attended the Borghorst grammar school from 1995 to 2004 and studied law at the University of Münster from 2004 to 2009 (first legal examination at the OLG Hamm in 2009 ). After receiving his doctorate in 2011 as Dr. iur. and the habilitation 2019 ( Venia Legendi for "Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, History of Public Law and Legal Theory"), he followed in 2020 the call to a W3 professorship for public law, especially administrative law at the University of Passau (successor Dirk Heckmann ).

His main research interests are constitutional law (state, federal, European Union), administrative law, in particular police and security law, assembly law, school law, health law and the law of new technologies.

Fonts (selection)

  • The transition from primary school to secondary school as a fundamental rights problem. A legal investigation taking into account the effects of social origin . Baden-Baden 2011, ISBN 3-8329-6657-9 .
  • The ideal of health as an advertising promise. Regulation, legal options and prospects for legal protection. An analysis of the Health Claims Regulation and the role of the European Food Safety Authority in multi-dimensional food management . Baden-Baden 2012, ISBN 3-8329-7848-8 .
  • with Bodo Pieroth : Minimum wage exemption for newspaper deliverers? . Baden-Baden 2014, ISBN 3-8487-1509-0 .
  • BVerfGG. Staff comment on the Federal Constitutional Court Act . Berlin 2018, ISBN 3-11-045018-6 .

Web links