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Trithemimeres ( Latin caesura semiternaria "three half parts", namely half verse feet ) is in ancient verse a caesura after the third half foot of a verse, i.e. in the second foot of the verse . For example in the hexameter , the caesura here with | marked:

-. ◡◡ .— | ◡◡ .—. ◡◡ .—. ◡◡ .—. ◡◡ .— ×

The trithemimers usually occurs together with a hephthemimers after the seventh half-foot as a secondary caesura:

-. ◡◡ .— | ◡◡ .—. ◡◡ .— | ◡◡ .—. ◡◡ .— ×

So also in this verse of Catullus :

E̱umenide̱s, | quibus a̱nguino̱ | redimi̱ta capi̱llo
—◡◡.— | ◡◡. — ◡◡.— | ◡◡. — ◡◡. — ◡


Individual evidence

  1. Catullus Carmina 64, 193.