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Tsatsiki-Tsatsiki is the start of a five-volume series of children's books by the Swede Moni Brännström . At the beginning of the first volume, the eponymous main character is eight years old.


Tsatsiki-Tsatsiki is the son of a Swedish musician and a Greek octopus whom he has never met. He is a child of love, which is why his name is not just tsatsiki but tsatsiki-tsatsiki. The boy lives with his mother, who has already worked in many professions, but sees herself as the bassist of the "rebels", and her lodger Göran, a soldier who acts as a surrogate father.

Tsatsiki starts school and finds a best friend in Per Hammer, with whom he can spy on the teacher and unite against the girls. He later falls in love with Maria Grynwall, who is pretty and happy and always laughs. Nonetheless, Tsatsiki is also in trouble: older Morten, the schoolyard thug who has the little will on his back. And then Tsatsiki has to prevent the “rebels” from falling in love with her mother. To do this, of all people, he has to ask Morten Pissnelke for help.


Tsatsiki experiences many adventures in his first year of school and has just the right friend in Per Hammar. The adults are also mostly understanding and help him when he needs help. The world is not pink. Sometimes Tsatsiki's mother feels overwhelmed by her dual function as mother and breadwinner and is depressed. At the same time, Göran Tsatsiki is allowed to love - what the mother does not reply, he is not allowed to kiss her. The boy is severely beaten by Morten and then he has to realize that Morten himself has problems that are far more serious than the Tsatsikis.


Several serial volumes have appeared in Germany so far:

  • Tsatsiki, squids and first kisses
  • Tsatsiki, karate or cuddle dance
  • Tsatsiki, Zoff and a lot of luck
  • Tsatsiki, blood brothers and other siblings


In 1999 a Scandinavian version of the film was made under the title Tsatsiki - octopuses and first kisses (alternative title: Tasatsiki, Mama and the Policeman ), which is based on this volume and the sequel, Tsatsiki, octopuses and first kisses . While Tsatsiki-Tsatsiki ends with the departure of Tsatsiki and his mother for Greece, the boy gets to know his father in the second part of the film.

Like the novel in its little stories, the film makes a plea for tolerance, love and respect and also describes the boy's longing for his father and how they interact with one another.

In 2001 a sequel based on the subsequent stories was filmed with Tsatsiki - Friends forever , in which the roles of mother and Göran were reassigned.