Tshemön Ling Trulku

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Tshemön Ling Trülku ( Tib . : tshe smon gling sprul sku ) is an important trülku line of the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism . The headquarters of the Tshemön Ling Trülkus is the Buddhist monastery Tshemönling in Lhasa .

List of Tshemön Ling Trulkus

Name ( list of Tibetan names and titles ) Life dates Inscription after Wylie Other titles
1. Ngawang Tshulthrim 1721-1791 ngag dbang tshul khrims 61. Ganden Thripa ; Desi
2. Ngawang Jampel Tshälthrim Gyatsho 1792-1862 / 1864 ngag dbang 'jam dpal tshul khrims rgya mtsho 73. Ganden Thripa ; Desi
Name ( list of Tibetan names and titles ) Life dates Inscription after Wylie Other titles
3. Ngawang Lobsang Tenpe Gyeltshen 1844-1919 ngag dbang blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan 87. Ganden Thripa
4th Ngawang Thubten Khedrub Geleg Gyeltshen 1921-1948 ngag dbang thub bstan mkhas grub dge legs rgyal mtshan -
5. Tendzin Thrinle Gyeltshen * 1950 bstan 'dzin' phrin las rgyal mtshan -

Individual evidence

  1. tbrc.org: tshe smon gling sprul sku'i skye brgyud
Tshemön Ling Trülku (alternative names of the lemma)
Tsemon Ling, Tsemon Ling