Turkestan bow finger gecko

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Turkestan bow finger gecko
Turkestan bow finger gecko (Tenuidactylus bogdanovi)

Turkestan bow finger gecko ( Tenuidactylus bogdanovi )

Superordinate : Scale lizards (Lepidosauria)
Order : Scale reptiles (Squamata)
without rank: Geckos (gekkota)
Family : Geckos (Gekkonidae)
Genre : Tenuidactylus
Type : Turkestan bow finger gecko
Scientific name
Tenuidactylus bogdanovi
Nazarov & Poyarkov , 2013

The Turkestan bow finger gecko ( Tenuidactylus bogdanovi ), also known as the Turkestan bare finger gecko , is a gecko from the genus Tenuidactylus and lives in Central Asia.


Total length up to 16.6 cm, head-torso. Length up to 7.2 cm. The back has a light, brown-beige base color, on which there are 5–7 dark brown, faded transverse bands. The top of the head is light, without any distinctive dark markings. The medium-sized, keeled dorsal tubercles are not in contact with each other, but are each surrounded by smaller scales. They only reach from the back to the level of the front extremities.


The Turkestan bow finger gecko lives in eastern Turkmenistan , eastern Uzbekistan , southeastern Kazakhstan, and southern Tajikistan .

Towards the end of the 21st century, the species was introduced via car traffic from Uzbekistan to Odessa in the Ukraine . Between Odessa and the actual distribution area are about 3000 km.

Way of life

Twilight and nocturnal species, also active during the day in spring and autumn. The mating takes place in early April and the oviposition, with two to three clutches per season, from mid-May to mid-August. A clutch consists of one or two eggs. The young hatch from the beginning of July to mid-October and reach sexual maturity in the second year of life. The diet consists of small invertebrates, mostly insects and spiders.


An individual from Odessa.

The IUCN lists the species as not endangered ( least concern ) with an unknown population trend. In Odessa, the population is increasing and expanding.

Individual evidence

  1. Dieter Glandt: The amphibians and reptiles of Europe: All kinds in portrait. 2nd, updated and expanded edition. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2015, ISBN 978-3-494-01581-1 , pp. 564-566.
  2. Tenuidactylus Bogdanovi in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2017. Posted by:. R. Nazarov, 2016. Retrieved on 17 August 2020.


  • Dieter Glandt: The amphibians and reptiles of Europe: All kinds in portrait. 2nd, updated and expanded edition. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2015, ISBN 978-3-494-01581-1 , pp. 564-566.

Web links

Commons : Turkestan bow finger gecko ( Tenuidactylus bogdanovi )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files