Twink (gay jargon)

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Brent Corrigan is as Twink classified

A twink is originally a term used in the US gay scene, which probably established itself around the world from around 2000 with the spread of the Internet. A twink is a young-looking, slender man with minimal body and facial hair and few “typical” masculinity characteristics such as muscles. He is thus similar to the jock , which, together with the bear or the hunk, depict various stereotypes of the gay scene.


The origin of the special terminology in the gay scene lies in the USA in the 1960s. Homosexual acts were still a punishable offense, and so a vocabulary developed with which one could communicate in public without attracting attention. One theory is that the term twink is derived from the Twinkie cake, also known as Hostess Twinkie, a sweet, cream-filled cake with little nutritional value. Another theory sees the word origin in England; there was twank the self-designation of gay men in the 20s .

Well-known "twinks" in pornography

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Veith: from Twinks, Twunks, Daddies and Bears . In: Sebastian Zilles (Ed.): Navigations - Journal for Media and Cultural Studies . Volume 18, No. 1 . universi, 2018, ISSN  1619-1641 , p. 105 ( [PDF; accessed May 12, 2020]).
  2. Alex Baur: The Secret Meaning of the Gay Tribes: Where Do Twink, Otter, Hunk & Co come from? In: Retrieved May 12, 2020 .
  3. Florian Siebert: Here are the twinks! In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 22, 2018, accessed on May 12, 2020 .