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As type-in (German: type ) is defined as an access to a site that has come about because of the visitors "on spec" an address in the address input line of his browser typed.

The visitor did not follow a hyperlink from a foreign page, a search engine or another referrer , but reached his goal by simply trying out the address. The unit of measurement is e.g. B. Units such as type-ins per day , type-ins per month, etc. are used.

It is mostly websites under generic domains that receive visitors through type-ins. Example: A user wants to buy shoes on the Internet and does not use a search engine or the like, but simply types www.schuhe.de into his browser and hopes to find an online shop for shoes there.

The fact that domains with many type-ins lead to a large flow of qualified visitors without the need for special advertising makes such domains very popular. They are therefore responsible for a large part of the trading volume in domain trading and are also very popular as expired domains for the purpose of subsequent registration.

Individual evidence

  1. Sedo (PDF; 158 kB) - press release, including the term type-in