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UHBP is in parts of Austria common, ironic abbreviation for U ur H err B UNDES p hairman .

The abbreviation was created as a joke in the mouth of opponents of the controversial Austrian President Kurt Waldheim (1986-1992) at the latest in 1989 in the course of the Waldheim affair and is derived from the abbreviation "HBP" for "Mr. Federal President" used in the protocol.

The irony is that the long form “Our Mr. Federal President” is rarely used (in a particularly festive context or by zealous followers), but otherwise sounds exaggeratedly submissive.

Even with Waldheim's successor Thomas Klestil (1992–2004), the abbreviation, which has meanwhile been affectionately meant, remained in use and was used by the print media, cabaret artists and the general public. The same was true for Klestil's successor, Heinz Fischer , who was referred to as "UHBP" at the time of his candidacy in 2004.

The abbreviation was frequently used in Herbert Hufnagl's column "Heads" in the daily newspaper Kurier .

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.adulteducation.at/de/medienpreise/lösungen/7/