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The UNSPSC ( U nited N ations S tandard P roducts and S ervices C ode ) is an internationally employed classification system of the merchandise management .

The UNSPSC system is used in e-procurement , especially in America, for the cross-company classification of goods and services of all kinds.

Origin and organization

The UNSPSC system was created in 1998 through a cooperation between the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation (D&B).

With version 3, the development split into two different strands for a few years, the UN / SPSC maintained by UNDP and the UNSPSC maintained and much more frequently updated by the ECCMA . The resulting legal dispute over copyright was won by the UNDP, so that only the UNDP system has been continued since 2003, with the ECCMA continuing the current versions under its own number notation (the current ECCMA 13.01 corresponds to UNDP 7.0401) .

In May 2003, UNDP appointed GS1 US, formerly the Uniform Code Council (UCC), as code manager. The code manager is responsible for monitoring the basic rules of the UNSPSC as well as the completeness of the code scheme. In this capacity, GS1 US also collects and evaluates code change requests.

The code list is nominally available in the following languages ​​(although not all revisions are available in all languages): English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Chinese, Portuguese, and Danish. However, the quality of the translations is often unsuitable for use in business transactions, since literal translations were often given preference over a corresponding translation.


An UNSPSC consists of five levels, the first four of which are standardized. Each level is coded by a two-digit number so that the notation is an 8 or 10-digit code. These levels are named as follows (example based on):

  • Segment: 43 information technology
    • Family: 20 media and computer accessories
      • Class: 17 multimedia memories
        • Commodity: 03 CD pockets
          • (Business Function: 14 Resale)

A CD case will carry according to the classification code 43201703.
