Ufuk Kocabaş

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Ufuk Kocabaş (* 1968 ) is a Turkish underwater archaeologist . He heads the Conservation and Restoration Department and the Conservation Division for Underwater Archaeological Objects at Istanbul University , where he is an Associate Professor .


Ufuk Kocabaş received his doctorate from the University of Istanbul in 2005 on anchor finds in the Sea of ​​Marmara . In 2006 the Yardımcı Doçent qualification followed and in 2010 the academic degree Doçent . He became known to the international public through his excavations in Theodosius Harbor , during which 37 shipwrecks from the period between the 5th and the 11th centuries were brought to light. One of the ships (No. 12), a replica that will be 9.64 m long, is scheduled to set sail in 2016.

Kocabaş is a member of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO-Tangible Cultural Heritage Committee .

Publications (selection)

  • with Ünal Akkemik: Woods of Byzantine Trade Ships of Yenikapı (Istanbul) and Changes in Wood Use from 6th to 11th Century , in: Mediterranean Archeology and Archaeometry 14,2 (2014) 317-327. ( online , PDF)
  • The Latest Link in the Long Tradition of Maritime Archeology in Turkey: The Yenikapı Shipwrecks / Un nouveau maillon de la longue tradition d'archéologie maritime en Turquie: les épaves de Yenikapı / The latest contribution in the long tradition of marine archeology in Turkey: The Shipwrecks of Yenikapı , in: European Journal of Archeology 15.2 (2012) 309-323.
  • with Işıl Özsait Kocabaş: Shipwrecks at the Theodosian Harbor , in: Varia Anatolica 20.1 (2010) 109-127 and in: Patrice Pomey (ed.): Shipwrecks at the Theodosian Harbor. Transferts technologiques en architecture navale méditerranéenne de l'Antiquité aux temps modern: identité technique et identité culturelle. Actes de la Table Ronde d'Istanbul 19-22 May 2007. Istanbul: Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil , 2010. pp. 109–127
  • with Evren Türkmenoğlu: Yenikapi shipwrecksfieldwork, conservation-restoration procedures and construction features , in: Arqueologia nàutica mediterrània (2009) 241-250.
  • Byzantine Shipwrecks at Yenikapı , in: Nergis Günsenin (Ed.): Between Continentns. Proceedings of the Twelth Symposium on Boat and Ship Archeology Istanbul 2009 , pp. 107-114.

Web links


  1. Çamaltı Burnu-I Batığı Demir Çapalarının Tarihsel Íncelemesi, Koruma, Onarım ve Tıpkıyapım Çalışmaları , not published (based on: Evren Türkmenoğlu: Late Byzantine Ships and Shipping 1204-1453 , p. 95).
  2. Ancient Yenikapı 12 wreck to 'return to life' , in: Hürriyet Daily News, November 25, 2015.