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Uiše is a Urataean fortress mentioned in Sargon's eighth campaign (714). He called it the "Great Fortress" birtu rabu of Uaiais , which was more powerful than any other fortress in Rusa . It was surrounded by orchards and forests. Sargon managed to take it from behind.

Uaiais is mentioned in the annals of the campaign between Aiadi by the sea (Urmia lake?) And the lands of Nairi and Hubuschkia .


François Thureau-Dangin (1912) equated this Uaiais with the Uiši known from other Neo-Assyrian texts and located it in Bitlis on Lake Van . Zimansky (1985) identified Uiše with Qalatgah in the Uschnu Valley southwest of Lake Urmia , from which Urartian inscriptions from the 9th century are known. White Muscarella, on the other hand, wants to equate Qalatgah with Ulhu , according to the annals a fortified city ( al dannuti ) on Mount Kishpal, and locates Uiše north of it, in Qaleh Ismael Aga on Nazlu Çay , which flows into Lake Urmia.


  • Oscar White Muscarella 1986, The Location of Ulhu and Uiše in Sargon II's Eighth Campaign, 714 BC Journal of Field Archeology 13/4, 465-475.
  • Francois Thureau-Dangin, 1912 Une relation de la huiteme campagne de Sargon (714 av. J.-C.). Paris: Paul Geuthner.
  • Paul Zimansky 1985, Ecology and Empire: The Structure of the Urartian State. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.