Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (1942–1944)

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The Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church ( Ukrainian Українська автокефальна православна церква ) was an autocephalous Orthodox Church in Ukraine. It ceased to exist after the occupation of Ukraine by the Red Army , but continued its activities in emigration and in the diaspora.

After the German invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, an autocephalous Ukrainian church was founded for the second time in the Generalgouvernement . This time the starting point was the Polish Orthodox Church , which had been granted autocephaly status by the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1924 . Their Metropolitan Dionitsy consecrated the linguist and rector of the first Ukrainian university Kamyanets-Podilskyj , Ivan Ohijenko (Ilarion), as bishop of Kholm and Podlasie in 1940 and as metropolitan in 1944 . Thus there was an autocephalous Orthodox Church in the Generalgouvernement (AOKGG) that was perfectly canonical . A new Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church was formed from it. However, the Germans did not recognize Illarion's election as Metropolitan of Kiev on November 25, 1941.

Before the advance of the Red Army , the hierarchy of the Church invariably fled to the west in 1944; it remained banned in the Ukrainian SSR .

Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the Diaspora

However, she reorganized herself in emigration, first in Germany , then in the USA and Canada . In 1946 there were 80 parishes in Germany. In the 1950s, many Ukrainians emigrated to the USA, Canada, Australia, South America and other countries in Western Europe. Ukrainian Orthodox parishes were established in these countries.

See also


Individual evidence