Ukrajinské národní sjednocení

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Ukrajinské národní sjednocení ( US , Czech), Українське національне об'єднання ( УНО , Ukrainian) (German Ukrainian National Union , UNO) was the only party in the Carpathian Ukraine in 1939 that is generally considered to be professional.

After the formation of an autonomous government under Avgustyn Voloshyn in October 1938 and the renaming of the country from Carpathian Russia to Carpathian Ukraine on November 17, the political parties were banned. On January 13, 1939, the UN / US was re-established as the only approved party. The representatives of those national minorities who support the separation of Carpathian Ukraine from Czechoslovakia have also been integrated into this unity party .

The German Party (the National Socialist Party in Czechoslovakia) also supported the UN / US and, in Anton Ernst Oldofredi, provided a member who was elected on the UN / US list.

The UN / US was the only electoral list to receive all seats in Soim , the parliament of Carpathian Ukraine in the only election on February 12, 1939, in which the party received 93 percent of the votes. With the occupation of Carpathian Ukraine by Hungary in March 1939, the activities of the UN / US ended.

Individual evidence

  1. Ivan Pop: Osobnosti našich dějín - VOLOŠIN Augustin , online at: / ... ( Memento of the original from October 11, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. David Hubený: Podkarpatoruské volby do sněmu a přezkum u Volebního soudu v roce 1939 , in: HOP - Historie - Otázky - Problémy, Charles University Prague, vol. 6, no. 1/2014, pp. 181-190 (abstract & resumé english), online at: / ...


  • Mads Ole Balling: From Reval to Bucharest - Statistical-Biographical Handbook of the Parliamentarians of the German Minorities in East Central and Southeast Europe 1919-1945. Volume 1 . 2nd Edition. Copenhagen 1991, ISBN 87-983829-5-0 , pp. 671-677 .