Ultra romantismo

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Ultra-Romantismo is a term that has been used in Portuguese literary criticism since the 1830s (A. Feliciano de Castilho, Almeida Garrett ); it roughly corresponds to the concept of Black Romanticism in German and English literary history.

Of Teófilo Braga it was introduced in the Portuguese literature and now serves on the pejorative characterization of mediävalisierenden showers romance with their forts, terrible oaths at midnight, cruel feudal lords, but also Crusaders and troubadours and unfortunate lovers who pay their sinful passion in monastic solitude. Because of its ambiguity , the term is hardly useful in literary practice, although widespread.


  • Teófilo Braga: Introducção e theoria da história da litteratura portugueza . Chardron, Porto 1896, p. 429.
  • Jacinto do Prado Coelho (Ed.): Poetas do Romantismo . 2 volumes. Livraria Clássica, Lisboa 1965, Vol. I, pp. 25-29.
  • Rainer Hess: The Beginnings of Modern Poetry in Portugal (1865–1890) . Fink, Munich 1978, ISBN 3-7705-0539-5 , pp. 18-22