Handling permit

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The handling license is a license according to § 7 of the German Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) for handling radioactive substances .

Anyone who wants to deal with radioactive substances in Germany - for example in nuclear medicine or when operating a nuclear facility - requires a permit. This approval is issued by the competent authority in the respective federal state . The granting is linked to compliance with extensive conditions, which are listed in § 9 StrlSchV.

These are in detail:

An additional condition for nuclear medicine is that "for treatments in the required number of medical physics experts [must] be appointed as additional radiation protection officers, or for nuclear medicine examinations or standard treatments it [must] be guaranteed that a medical physics expert, in particular for optimization and quality assurance the use of radioactive substances, is available ".

Appropriate documents must be attached to the application for granting or changing the handling permit in order to document compliance with the requirements mentioned.

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