Conversion table

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Conversion tables are tabulated tools for comparing the same size in different units or sizes.

The simplest case of such conversion tables relates to magnitude factors (decimal prefixes such as kilo-, mega-, milli- ...), see the article Prefixes for units of measurement .

Examples of conversion factors and tables for specifying a size value in different units can be found in the lists for the corresponding unit of measurement. As an example:

Conversion tables can also be used to convert sizes into other sizes (equivalence tables), such as:

  • Calorific value tables: Conversion of heating requirement into heating medium requirement, depending on the fuel in volume or weight (see also heating oil equivalent );
  • Dress size , shoe size : conversion tables between different trade scales or in centimeters;
  • Average blood sugar value calculated from the measured glycohemoglobin value;

The term is not restricted to physical quantities ; conversion tables are also available for statistical, economic or sociological quantities. Examples:

In the physical-technical field, it was common to publish relevant conversion tables as an appendix to the standard works - anciently one spoke of transformation table or reduction table (written reduction table ). These, like the classic mathematical conversion tables from degrees to radians or logarithm tables (conversion of mantissa to logarithm), have largely lost their meaning since the invention of the pocket calculator, and in particular in computer science. Today there are specialized (re) computers for this purpose , as application programs as well as online computers for a wide variety of purposes.

The Volvelle , a device with rotating discs or pointers (such as the parking disc ) , is a special design for conversion tables .

Individual evidence

  1. Reduction table of the bar according to Paris shoes in the Google book search
  2. Reduction table of the temperature degrees in the Google book search