Environmental research plan

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The Environmental Research Plan (UFOPLAN) is part of the departmental research of the Federal Republic of Germany .

As part of the environmental research plan, research and development projects (R + D projects) are awarded, which are intended to provide the basis for decision-making and aids for the nature conservation and environmental policy of the federal government . They serve in particular the preparation, review and further development of national and international legal provisions and programs as well as sovereign tasks in the context of nature conservation.

The respective awarding authorities are the Federal Environment Agency , the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation , the Federal Office for Radiation Protection , the Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research in the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning and, in individual cases, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety itself.

Research fields in 2015 are in the areas of climate protection, adaptation to the effects of climate change, resource protection, raw materials policy, recycling and waste management, ecological design of products and production methods, environment and economy, groundwater, water, soil and marine protection. This also includes issues of air pollution control, noise protection, sustainable mobility as well as the environment and health as well as chemical safety. Other priorities are nature conservation as well as reactor safety and radiation protection.

At the beginning of the 18th legislative period, several thematic responsibilities were assigned to other ministries. The responsibilities for urban development, living and building were transferred to the BMUB . The energy policy area of ​​renewable energies was transferred to the Federal Ministry of Economics .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. BMUB departmental research plan 2015