Environmental rating

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Umweltrating is a Swiss online voting advice application . Every year this calculates how environmentally friendly the Swiss National Council voted. The rating can be viewed at the level of the individual politicians, at the level of the parties or by point in time. The services are prepared by the environmental alliance and other environmental organizations and have been offered since 2011. The environmental alliance is a loose association of the four large environmental organizations Greenpeace , Pro Natura , VCS and WWF . Environmental rating is offered in German, French and Italian.

Systematics and methods

Except in the years with federal elections, a current rating is published annually in November. This annual rating takes into account the voting behavior from the winter session of the previous year to the autumn session. Every summer before the federal elections, the environmental rating draws an overall balance of the entire legislature (legislature rating). The rating of the 50th legislature (2015-2019) was published in early September 2019. At the same time, a rating of the election promises of the candidates for the 2019 parliamentary elections was published.

Environmental rating evaluates voting behavior on the one hand and rating promises on the other. For the rating of the voting behavior, a team of experts from the environmental organizations first identifies all environmentally relevant votes in parliament. Environmentally relevant agreements are, for example, those that have a concrete and large environmental impact in a subject area that is one of the core concerns of environmental organizations. In the next step, an environmental friendliness value is calculated for all national councils. To calculate the environmental friendliness value, the difference between the votes for the environment and the votes against the environment is set in the ratio of the total number of possible votes. For the rating of the election pledges, the candidates are asked about a selection of questions, which cover the most important topics of the upcoming legislature as well as the main interests of the participating organizations. Environmentally friendly answers give 4, more environmentally friendly answers 3, not more environmentally friendly answers 1 and non-environmentally friendly answers 0 points. The total number of points is then divided by the maximum total number of points, resulting in a percentage value from 0% (not environmentally friendly) to 100% (environmentally friendly).


The ratings are used, for example, by political organizations to report the position of politicians on specific issues. For example, the organization CARPE (Coordination régionale pour un aéroport urbain, respectueux de la population et de l'environnement) published the position of the candidates for the expansion of Geneva airport in connection with the government council elections in the canton of Geneva in 2018.

Another example is the comparison of the environmental friendliness of the incumbent and candidate elected representatives between the 50th and 51st legislatures. It was calculated that all parties in the 51st legislature want to be more committed to environmental issues than in the 50th legislature.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Environmental rating: environmental rating. Retrieved June 29, 2019 .
  2. Environmental rating: Discover. Retrieved June 29, 2019 .
  3. Environmental Alliance: Home. Retrieved June 29, 2019 .
  4. WWF: National Council majority has hardly any ear for the environment. Retrieved June 29, 2019 .
  5. Environmental rating: About us. Retrieved June 29, 2019 .
  6. Tagesanzeiger: A lost legislature for environmental protection. September 2, 2019, accessed September 2, 2019 .
  7. Environmental rating: Election promise 2019. Accessed on September 2, 2019 .
  8. CARPE: Ecorating, spécial élections cantonales genevoises 2018. Accessed June 29, 2019 .
  9. Tagesanzeiger: The politicians from your canton are so environmentally friendly. September 17, 2019, accessed September 18, 2019 .