Independent Party of Kurdistan Workers

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The Independent Party of Workers of Kurdistan ( Kurdish : Party Khabat bo Serbogoy Kurdistan ) is a splinter organization of the Iraqi Communist Party in the autonomous region of Kurdistan .


The party was initially led by Mohammed (Hussein) Halleq, who was murdered on November 2, 1995 . After his death, relations with the Kurdistan Patriotic Union (PUK) deteriorated after the Independent Party of Kurdistan Workers suspected that the Kurdistan Patriotic Union was behind the murder. Despite these tensions, the party has recently tried again and again to improve its relationship with the PUK.

At the same time, ties to the PKK have deteriorated, among other things because the party spoke out against the PKK's retreat in northern Iraq .

Current situation

It is said that the party's new leader is Yousif Hanna (better known as Abu Hikmat). He is a minister in the cabinet of the Kurdish Democratic Party in Erbil . It is unclear where the party's offices are located. There are claims that the party also has offices in Suleimaniyya and Ranya . According to its own reports, the office in Suleimaniyya is to be run by a so-called "carbon company". Other sources indicate that these offices actually represent the party's, while on the contrary, the office in Erbil is supposed to belong to the “real” part of the party.

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