Accident relief center

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Accident relief center

An Accident Aid Center (UHS, also UHST) is a facility of the medical guard service that serves as a contact point for requests for medical help from the population or guests at an event. Unlike the smaller aid station , many patients can be treated the same way in a regular UHS. In addition to professional first aid measures, comprehensive emergency medical interventions can also be provided. A UHS is equipped for this both materially and personally. The next largest comparable facility is the treatment center . A UHS is mostly assigned to medical patrols or first aid teams. Often there is also the possibility of general medical care within a certain framework. The need arises because UHS are typically used at very large events like World Youth Day . The tactical involvement of a UHS in the operation varies, but there is usually direct contact with the overall operations management or the responsible section management. A UHS is mostly managed by a train driver . The exact form it takes varies locally and from one aid organization to another.


An accident relief center is in the areas

  • Viewing, registration, first aid,
  • Rest or care area and
  • Storage, social area for the helpers and logistics


A UHS could be accommodated in three tents, for example. In a UHS, if possible, one-way traffic is established, i. H. All areas in which patients are transported have an entrance and an exit to ensure problem-free patient transport.


The staff of a UHS can include, for example:

Frequently, the staff is supplemented by KIT helpers, telecommunications and technicians. UHS usually have a staff of around 20 helpers. Very large UHS can have over 40 helpers in practice.


Medical tents are often used for UHS . The structure described above can be z. B. in three tents. A sufficient power supply with a corresponding electrical installation must be provided for the tents. Site distributors and splash-proof power cables can be used for this. There are also tent lighting and tent heating. UHS are also housed in containers or in permanent buildings, especially for longer events.

The medical equipment is extensive. In addition to stretchers , storage racks for stretchers and cots, there are bandages, blankets, infusions, simple diagnostic devices (stethoscope, blood pressure monitor, blood glucose meter) and oxygen treatment devices. In some cases, the entire equipment of an ambulance is kept available. There is an ampoule kit with the necessary accessories for the emergency doctor. Comprehensive hygiene equipment is also important.

There are also various radio devices for communicating with the command and control team, a telephone and, increasingly, an IT system with internet access.


  • Rudi Cermak: "Ü-MANV Concept Bavaria", Version 2.1, Working Group Disaster Protection Bavaria, 2006
  • Thomas Haas: "Die Unfallhilfsstelle", Malteser-Hilfsdienst, Emergency Preparedness Unit, Diocese of Regensburg, 2006

Individual evidence

  1. German Red Cross - DRK. Retrieved June 5, 2017 .