Unión Latinoamericana de Agencias de Noticias

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Unión Latinoamericana de Agencias de Noticias (ULAN) is an association of public and state Latin American press agencies. It was founded on June 2, 2011 in Caracas , Venezuela . The establishment of ULAN was agreed during the Third World Congress of News Agencies in Argentina in late 2010.

List of the press agencies working together in the association, sorted by country:

At the first general assembly the board members were appointed: Sergio Fernández Novoa from the Argentine press agency Télam was appointed chairman, Freddy Fernández from the Venezuelan agency AVN as secretary general. Representatives from Brazil, Cuba and Mexico took on deputy functions.

General Secretary Freddy Fernández took the view at the first General Assembly that the commercial media was generally too focused on the elites, while a large part of the people only played a role in reports of disasters and crime. The most influential news agencies would only report on Latin America when tragedies occurred or to demonize political and social processes. According to President Sergio Fernández Novoa, ULAN should help to better present the views of the member states in international reporting on Latin America. It has been a major problem in recent years that the political events in Latin America were primarily presented by US or European agencies.

Individual evidence

  1. Venezuelanalysis: Latin American Union of News Agencies to Convey Region's Vision of World Reality , June 5, 2011