Unidade da Guarda Presidencial

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The Unidade da Guarda Presidencial or UGP for short is the presidential guard of the Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos . The special unit specializes in urban warfare. The force consists of both male and female members. Your mission is to ensure the physical integrity of the President and to protect him. The unit is in command of Lieutenant General Alfredo Tyaunda .


The UPG took part in the civil war in Angola .

According to the newspaper Jeune Afrique , 92 UPG soldiers together with Laurent Gbagbo stayed in the presidential residence in Abidjan and fought against the Forces républicaines de Côte d'Ivoire in the wake of the government crisis in Ivory Coast 2010/2011 . They are said to have mined the building. The reports were rejected by the Angolan government.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lisa Rimli: Angola in transition, page 11. (PDF; 270 kB) In: ecoi.net. March 21, 2005, accessed April 14, 2011 .
  2. a b Thomas Scheen: Gbagbo's last trump card: to die as a martyr. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . April 7, 2011, accessed April 14, 2011 .
  3. Soldados da Guarda Presidencial juram bandeira , July 11, 2009 (Portuguese)
  4. Luanda desmente presença de tropas angolanas em Abidjan , April 9, 2011 (Portuguese)