Unique visit

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Unique Visit ( Engl. , Individual visit ') is a metric of the access frequency of a site . Every IP address is counted only once in a certain period of time, regardless of how often it visits the website or how many elements are downloaded during this period. The visit describes a (mostly connected) process of using a website.

It should be noted, however, that the period in which each visit is counted only once can vary widely. The information community to determine the distribution of advertising media e. V. (IVW) works within the scope of its measurement procedure Scalable Central Measurement System (SZM) with the internationally standardized value of 30 minutes according to its own statements. The visit to a website is therefore deemed to have ended when no new page has been accessed for 30 minutes.

In addition, a single IP address does not necessarily identify a single person. Anonymization services can assign a different IP address to each individual user access, on the other hand, accesses by different people within a local network through network address translation have the same address. The same applies to the forced disconnection by the Internet provider after 24 hours at the latest.


In the area of web controlling the terms unique visitors or unique users and visitors often synonymous with the Unique Visit used. The term unique visit describes the usage process, while the visitor, user or visitor can see the person behind the process. In Germany, the term unique user is firmly established by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online Forschung e. V. (AGOF) documents and describes the "individual user" on the basis of the AGOF daily digital facts. The sum of the unique users of a medium is the people who have had contact with an advertising medium or individual booking units in a certain period of time.

Reference values

Long-range internet offers typically have several million unique visitors per month, while the vast majority of fashion blogs , for example, have well below 80,000 unique visitors per month.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Definition of terms for the AGOF studies. Glossary overlap. In: agof.de, accessed on November 17, 2011
  2. http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/180570/umfrage/meistbesuchte-websites-in-deutschland-nach-nummer-der-besucher/
  3. http://www.styleranking.de/blogs/blog-news/modeblogger-studie-welche-reichweiten-fashionblogs-erzielen