Unitary group

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In mathematics , the designated unitary group on a complex Hilbert space , the group of all the unitary complex linear maps over . Unitary groups and their subgroups play a central role in quantum physics , where they are used to describe symmetries of the wave function .


In the general case, the unitary group with the supremum norm is a Banach- Lie group . The unitary group can be given the weak operator topology . This coincides, restricted to the unitary group, with the strong operator topology . For finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, the topology induced by the supremum norm and the operator topology coincide.

The unitary group over a finite-dimensional Hilbert space of dimension is a real Lie group of dimension and is denoted by. The group is a subgroup of the general linear group and can be realized concretely through the set of unitary matrices with the matrix multiplication as a group operation. For a given , the unitary matrices with determinant 1 form a subgroup of denoted by , the special unitary group .


The simplest unitary group next to the trivial group is U (1) , the so-called circle group , the group of linear mappings of complex numbers that leave the square of the absolute value unchanged, with the concatenation as a group operation. The group is Abelian and can be specifically implemented through the set of functions that each multiply a given complex number by a phase factor, where a real number is:

The figure describes a rotation of the complex number plane by the angle . This group is topologically isomorphic to the group with the multiplication of complex numbers as a group operation.

The center of for any is , wherein the n -dimensional unit matrix was, and therefore isomorphic to