University scepter

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Pedels with university sceptres engraved in 1815 by Rudolph Ackermann in the History of the University of Cambridge

The university scepter ( sceptrum universitatis ), like the seal ( Typar ), is one of the insignia of the late medieval university . They have existed since the 14th century, usually as a couple. In doing so, the university showed its special legal position to the outside world, namely to be its own corporation with its own jurisdiction and thus its own domain and as a sign of the dignity of the rector . In some universities, the scepter was carried by the pedel in front of the rector on ceremonial occasions .

It is based on the princely scepter both in form and in function . They have a long shaft, which is usually divided by knobs or rings and a crown as the upper and a knob as the lower end of a handle part.

The university sceptres were usually very laboriously manufactured and not infrequently reworked over time due to not always careful use or due to changing artistic taste.


  • Walter Paatz : Sceptrum universitatis. The European university scepter. Heidelberg Art History Treatises, NF 2, Heidelberg 1953.
  • Masterpieces of European Gothic goldsmithing: exhibition for the 600th anniversary of the university. Old University, October 1 to November 2, 1986, [editor], Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; [Catalog texts, Jürgen Miethke and Johann Michael Fritz], Heidelberg 1986.

Web links

Commons : University scepter  - collection of images, videos and audio files