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UnschLag (Russian Унжлаг), also reform and labor camp Unscha (Унженский ИТЛ, i.e. Унженский исправительно-трудовой лагерь), was a reform labor camp ( IT ) of the Gulag (IT ) system. UnschLag with its branch offices was located in the catchment area of ​​the Unscha , a tributary of the Volga in the European part of Russia in the Gorky Oblast (today Nizhny Novgorod Oblast). The name UnschLag is derived from the name of the river Unscha and the word Lager.


For a long time, the camp was subordinated to the “Headquarters of Camps in Forestry” (ULLP, from 1947 GULLP ) of the NKVD (or the MWD ), which was set up on the basis of order 00212 of the NKVD. The UnschLag camp had existed since February 2, 1938 and was still in operation in the 1960s. The administration of the camp and its storage points were located in the Sukhobesvodnoe ( Сухобезводное ) railway station on the Gorky Railway , which is often referred to as a synonym for UnschLag. In this area there were also about 28 outposts, so-called camp points of the camp; the route from Sukhobezvodnoje to Lapschanga (also Severny) was part of the planned longer Gorki - Kotelnitsch route (starting in Vladimir ), which was to open up the north for Gorky, but was never completed. However, the railway was well suited for transporting the wood and as a connection between the individual storage points. The camp had three hospitals, two wood factories and two textile factories.

The work primarily comprised wood extraction (including for Moscow and for the paper industry) and wood processing, then also metal work, work in the consumer goods industry, agriculture and road construction, and in some cases also repair work on the existing railway lines, some of which were narrow-gauge .

Lew Kopelew , who spent part of his first (short) prison sentence in UnschLag around 1945/1946, describes life in the camp in his novel Keeping for all time! (1976, Russian Хранить вечно ) in Chapter 26.

Occupant Numbers

The number of inmates in the UnschLag camp was obtained from the MEMORIAL Deutschland e. V. and are based on official figures from the warehouse management or the responsible NKVD / MWD departments. Additional information was added.

date number date number date number
04/01/1938 15.245 a) b) 01/01/1943 23.904 c) 01/01/1953 29,551
01/01/1939 16,469 01/01/1944 17,488 07/15/1953 21,100 i)
01/01/1940 19,986 01/01/1945 19,867 d) 01/01/1954 25,351
01/01/1941 23,676 01/01/1946 17,633 e) 01/01/1955 23,124
07/01/1941 27,278 01/01/1948 30.146 f) 01/01/1956 22,355
01/01/1942 22,527 01/01/1950 30,210 g) 01/01/1957 16,496
04/01/1942 24,020 01/01/1952 29,282 h) 01/01/1959 14,127 j)

Other (additional) information:

a) Early 1938: 15,000 prisoners
b) As of October 1, 1938, 15,487 prisoners, 8,265 of whom were sentenced as "counter-revolutionary" and 3,547 as "socially dangerous" / "socially harmful" elements.
c) Of these 4,980 women and 10,681 convicted of counter-revolutionary crimes.
d) Lev Kopelew (imprisoned in UnschLag around 1945–1946) speaks of 24,000 to 25,000 prisoners
e) On July 1, 1946, 2,923 forced resettlers were also counted.
f) 1948: 30,000 prisoners
G)30,000 in the early 1950s, including 9,000 detained for counterrevolutionary activity; 1,500 women in total
H) As of May 1, 1952 28,973 prisoners, 1,428 women and 8,563 of them convicted of counterrevolutionary crimes.
i)Including the inmates of the previously closed Warnawino camp .
j) In January 1960: about 13,000 prisoners


In addition to other well-known names, there were also a number of Germans among the prisoners:

Individual evidence

  1. Headquarters of Warehouses in Forestry (GULLP). Portal MEMORIAL Germany e. V. , online at: gulag.memorial.de / ...
  2. a b c d Vladimír Bystrov: Únosy československých občanů do Sovětského Svazu v letech 1945-1955 . Edition Svědectví , ed. from Úřad dokumentace a vyšetřování zločinů komunismu ÚDV, an institution of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, Prague 2003, 343 pages, ISBN 80-7312-027-5 , online at: szcpv.org / ... , section Ozerlag, page 270f.
  3. a b c d e f g h i Sergei Sigatschow, Sergei Filippow: UNSCHA-ITL (UnschLag). Portal MEMORIAL Germany e. V. , online at: www.gulag.memorial.de / ...
  4. a b c d Lev Zinovievich Kopelew: Хранить вечно (Keeping for all time!), Chapter 26: Сухобезводная. Унжлаг . Online at: e-reading.club/
  5. a b c d Унжлаг [TR / 3961]. Описание окружающей местности . Online at: geocaching.su / ...
  6. Nikolaj Morochin: Таёжная артерия . In: Gudok, July 20, 2012, online at: gudok.ru / ...
  7. ^ Lew Sinowjewitsch Kopelew , curriculum vitae on the portal MEMORIAL Deutschland e. V. Online at: gulag.memorial.de / ...

Web links

Coordinates: 57 ° 2 ′ 44.2 "  N , 44 ° 53 ′ 28.3"  E