Our neighbors, the Baltas

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Television series
German title Our neighbors, the Baltas
Original title Komşumuz Balta ailesi
Country of production FRG
original language German
year 1983
length 25 minutes
genre Family series
Director Gloria Behrens
idea Yüksel Pazarkaya
production Michael Hild
music Cem Karaca
first broadcast
April 1983 - July 1983 on German television

Main actor:

  • Aydin Yamanlar : Habib Balta
  • Dilek Türker : Selime Balta
  • Ismet Bilir-Göze: Inci
  • Ayhan Falay: Arif
  • Ali Ekmekyemez: Yüksel
  • Helga Trojan: Marianne

Supporting cast:

Our Neighbors, the Baltas is a German television series by Yüksel Pazarkaya that was broadcast in 1983.


The twelve-part series tells the story of the Balta family who immigrated to Germany from Turkey fourteen years ago. The episodes focus on the siblings Inci, Arif and Yüksel with their intercultural concerns and needs.

Production details

The Baltas belonged to the media association “Foreigners - Inländer”, in which West German advertising television, the third programs and the Adolf Grimme Institute of the Adult Education Association of Germany cooperated.

The author Yüksel Pazarkaya also wrote the booklet for the television series. Erdal Merdan acted as the Turkish advisor on the set .

The score was written by the famous Turkish rock musician Cem Karaca , who was in exile in Germany at the time.

Transmission data

The Baltas ran from April 1983 in the regional evening program of the ARD outside of the broadcasting area of ​​the WDR. In the third episode there were supplementary documentaries on the family series.

Reruns ran in 1986 on both WDR and NDR.


The television newspaper Hörzu wrote: "The series should arouse more understanding for the differences between Germans and Turks in the cultural, religious and family environment."

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.kabeleins.de/tv/serienlexikon/serial/details/3382
  2. Listen to 13/1983