Teaching intern (Austria)

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A teaching intern (abbreviation: UP ; earlier sample teacher ., Coll Beiwagerl ) is a teacher in Austrian high schools or vocational high schools , which after receiving the master's title taught for the first time. It corresponds to the German student trainee .

Area of ​​responsibility

This in contrast to the West German clerkship only one-year teaching practice (formerly probationary year ) includes separate instruction issued under the guidance of a teacher's supervision, hospitieren (observing the teaching of care teacher) and supplieren and a course of teacher training college . Supervision teachers must have completed a relevant course at a teacher training college. At the end of the school year, the head teacher determines , based on the supervisory teacher's documents, whether the work success has been significantly exceeded, demonstrated or not.

The internship can be divided between several schools, one school is then considered the main school.


The training fee is half of the monthly salary of a full-time professional beginner.


  1. http://www.bmukk.gv.at/schulen/lehrdr/gesetze_verordnung/upg.xml Lehrspraktikumsgesetz (UPG)