Ural Rex

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Ural Rex is a natural domestic cat breed from Russia that has been recognized by the World Cat Federation since 2006 . Their special feature is a double curly coat.

Origin and breeding history

The breeding of the breed began in 1994. In order to have the gene pool to expand Celtic Shorthair crossed. Mating with other breeds is not allowed. The Ural Rex is currently still being crossed. In the Yekaterinburg region , the basic breeding work is carried out in the "GRACE" / WCF association. In 1997 a breeder took two female Rex cats and a male to Moscow . These cats were the basis for breeders in Moscow. In 1999 two litters were born. In August 2006, the Ural Rex was recognized by the WCF. In 2007 the Ural Rex were also imported to Germany , the first hybrid offspring in Germany was registered in August 2008.

The rexgen of the Ural rex is recessive.


The Ural Rex is a medium-sized, relatively short, muscular, and slender cat. The legs are of medium length but slim. The head is a short, wide, equilateral wedge. The broad forehead is flat. The profile is slightly curved at the level of the lower eyelid. The cheekbones are accentuated and with a distinct pinch. The muzzle is wide and the chin and lower jaw are powerful. The ears are medium in size with rounded tips, placed high on the head and erect. The eyes are large, oval and slanted. They are set wide apart (at least the width of an eye). The eye color is harmonious and matches the coat color.

The fur (only undercoat) is of medium length, fine, soft, silky and dense. It covers the entire body and tail in loose waves and ripples. The special feature of this breed is the noticeable elasticity of the shaft. The Ural Rex is available in the short-haired and long-haired variant. With semi-long hair, the cat's coat looks a bit disordered. It works like a LaPerm. Black tabbies show - in addition to the typical nasal mirror markings and the "M" on the forehead - a brown or golden body color without markings.

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