Urte Blankenstein

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Urte Blankenstein (born December 21, 1943 in Pillau ) is a German actress . She became known in the GDR with the role of the woman puppet doctor pill in the children's television program in the GDR.


After studying acting in Berlin 1964–1966, her first engagement took place in 1966/1967, a. a. in the role of Cinderella at the Kleist Theater in Frankfurt (Oder) . In 1967 she switched to GDR television in the children's program Puppenstadt , where she took on the role of Kathrinchen or Zipfelzöpfchen in the series Eine Reise mit Hein Pöttgen . This was followed by appearances as Korbine Früchtchen , in Paulche's bookstore and in the current crankshaft and in the cabaret show Tele-BZ .

In the years from 1968 to 1988 she played the woman puppet doctor pill once a week in the evening greeting , a total of about 1500 programs are produced. From 1975 she hosted the Tele-Lotto once a year until the end of the program in 1997, and from 1984 to 1988 the program Von Polka bis Parademarsch , a military music program on GDR television, and from 1988 to 1991 the Musical Intermezzo , an operetta program on the DFF . So also life entertainment concerts.

From 1970 she also appeared live as "Puppet Doctor Pill" with her children's program. From 1978 she was touring Germany to guest performances. Even today she plays the woman doll doctor pill in her program "The next please" as part of entertainment for children and also in various programs for adults. She also interprets, together with the musical singer Carola Krautz-Brasin, historical songs in the program "Eintopf und Frauenzimmer". Urte Blankenstein lives in Berlin .

Web links


  1. prominentimostblog, Who is actually Ms. Doll Doctor Pill? , January 8, 2019