UAE procedure

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VAE stands for "qualifying recognition of acquired competences" (VAE = Validation des Acquits de l'Expérience) and is a procedure that is used in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the assessment and recognition of skills in various areas such as B. Education, work and leisure acquired skills of any kind is used.


The VAE procedure is a procedure implemented as part of the Bologna process in Luxembourg for the qualifying recognition of competences acquired outside of the actual field of education (= knowledge and ability). This method basically enables everyone to have their professional skills and qualifications documented and recognized for entry into a course of study or a profession ( proof of competence ). It is irrelevant whether the relevant skills are the result of formal, non-formal or informal training, or whether they are non-training. They only have to be related to a certificate, diploma or certificate of competence that has been applied for.

The VAE competence profile serves as proof of all knowledge and skills, including partial knowledge and skills, which are required to:

  • start studying at the University of Luxembourg or at the state-recognized private eufom University or at the likewise state-recognized and accredited private ISEC Business School in Luxembourg,
  • To attest higher education which leads to a higher technical diploma (brevet de technicien supérieur - BTS),
  • To evaluate certificates and diplomas of technical secondary education (enseignement secondaire technique - EST) as well as the master's certificate (brevet de maîtrise) and to recognize them for further university studies,
  • document and recognize diplomas awarded by the Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center (LLLC) after completing a professionally oriented study program in relation to the skills acquired.

Formal training

The Luxembourg legislature defines formal training as an educational measure given in an organized and structured framework in an educational or training institution or at the workplace and expressly designated as training in terms of objectives, duration and resources.

Not formal training

Non-formal training is training that is integrated into planned measures / activities not expressly designated as training activities in terms of objectives, duration and resources, but the latter includes a significant training component.

Informal training

Under the umbrella term of informal training, the Luxembourg legislator summarizes all training and further training opportunities resulting from everyday activities in connection with work, family or leisure. These are neither organized nor structured in terms of goals, duration and resources.


target group

Anyone of any age, nationality, educational level and / or status can apply for a UAE procedure, provided that they have carried out the activity being assessed for a verifiable minimum duration related to the intended purpose of the certification sought.

Goal setting

The qualifications, diplomas or certificates obtained by the UAE should correspond to the qualifications acquired in the context of traditional training and document recognition on a case-by-case basis. The UAE process can also give candidates who do not meet the required conditions access to higher education.

The aim of UAE proceedings is to

  • acquire the titles or diplomas required for access to a training course,
  • shorten individual training careers,
  • to acquire a certificate, diploma or title in whole or in part.

In this sense, the UAE enables candidates to no longer have to complete training that leads to competencies that they have already acquired. As part of lifelong learning, the UAE offers additional access to the same qualifications, diplomas or certificates as can be obtained in traditional basic, higher or advanced training.


All professional or non-professional activities can be the subject of recognition, provided that the relevant training has lasted at least 3 years (5,000 hours) and is related to the desired qualification, diploma or certificate.

The qualifications that are the subject of a UAE relate to the totality of experience from a permanently or not permanently exercised remunerated, non-remunerated (e.g. as a trader, employee of a trader, freelancer, farmer or craftsman, etc.) or voluntary (in a Union or association) activity. This activity must be directly related to the recognition applied for.

If necessary, skills and competencies can also be partially recognized.


  • The Luxembourg Ministry of Education, Children and Youth is responsible for secondary technical education and the master craftsman's certificate.
    Adults - even those with a low level of basic training - have the opportunity to have the experience they have acquired in a specific area recognized during their professional activity. Both the certificates and diplomas for technical secondary education (enseignement secondaire technique) and the master craftsman's certificate (brevet de maîtrise) can be obtained through qualifying recognition of the skills acquired.
  • Candidates with at least 3 years of verifiable professional experience in connection with the desired diploma submit their application to the UAE office of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (Ministère de l'Education nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse), the Chamber of Commerce ( Chambre de Commerce) and the Chamber of Employees (Chambre des Salariés)
  • Higher technical diploma (brevet de technicien supérieur - BTS)
    A commission set up specifically for the relevant training program in the training institution that offers the training is responsible for the recognition. This committee will give an opinion on the scope of the recognition and, in the case of partial recognition, on the type of knowledge and skills that require additional verification.
  • University studies and university degrees
    Due to the Bologna process, the University of Luxembourg and the private, state-recognized eufom-University and ISEC-University are obliged to include special UAE regulations in their examination regulations and to set up special admissions commissions for UAE procedures. Access to study at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level at the University of Luxembourg and the eufom University or ISEC University in Luxembourg is therefore also open to those who do not hold a secondary school diploma or a university degree, provided they have one of the following meet both requirements:
    • you have passed the partial exams of a special admission test organized by the university,
    • they can demonstrate sufficient professional experience and appropriate professional skills and competencies.

VAE tests are always individual tests. If the candidate wants to take up a degree or be placed in a higher semester, he must provide evidence that he is able to meet the demands that will be placed on him.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Recognition of acquired skills by »VAE«
  2. ^ Lifelong Learning Center, Luxembourg
  3. ^ Validation of non-formal and informal learning - UAE
  4. ^ Official homepage of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
  5. ^ Official homepage of the Luxembourg Chamber of Employees