VEB Vestis

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The VEB Vestis (complete VEB Leipziger Bekleidungswerke "Vestis" ) was a 1952 to 1992 in Leipzig existing nationally-owned company of the clothing industry .

Name, location

Production at Vestis
Final inspection of the clothing at Vestis

The Latin term "vestis" means in German clothing / piece of clothing. The production site was in the Plagwitz district of Leipzig on the site of the former Chromo paper and cardboard factory G. Najork & Co. founded in 1871.


The 8-page company newspaper “Forum” has been published every month since 1956 (printed in the “Progress” print shop, Zeitz). Contents included: production increases and improvements, half-year plans, the partnership work with the Kiev sewing factory "Smirnow Lastotschkin" etc.

According to official information, the company should have had a high proportion of women in responsible positions (1962: "Of the 40 foremen in the company, 37 are women. 19 female engineers out of a total of 27 are in no way inferior to their male colleagues." )

In 1975, 90 FDJ members from Vestis contributed to the construction of the Druzhba route . On seven Saturdays, young clothing workers and apprentices in their final year of training made work clothing (polycon kutten) for the line workers.

In 1986 the members of the Vestis youth fashion club also took part in the FDJ's youth fashion competition. The designers and seamstresses got their development topics from Kombinat Oberbekleidung Lößnitz and from the Fashion Center of Youth Berlin. Allegedly, 60 percent of the models they developed were put into production.

After the demolition of the factory building, the “Elster-Passage” shopping and service center was opened on April 18, 1996.

Web links

Individual evidence
