Valentin Kötzler

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Valentin Kötzler (born February 1, 1499 in Nuremberg ? † December 12, 1564 in Nuremberg ) was a lawyer and councilor for the city of Nuremberg.


Valentin Kötzler was born as the son of the Nuremberg patrician Georg Kötzler and his wife Ursula von Mohren. After Law had studied and Doctor of Laws was his doctorate, he became in 1528 the Council consultants in Nuremberg appointed. His duties included preparing legal opinions for the council, conducting important negotiations and performing diplomatic tasks.

In 1534 he married Anna Dietherr, who gave birth to eight children. Kötzler's main work is the fourth edition of the Nuremberg Reformation , on which he worked for 14 years. During the Nuremberg Reformation, the city's statutes were adapted to Roman law . The fourth edition of the Nuremberg Reformation remained valid until 1806. Together with Christoph Scheurl , he prepared legal opinions for the fortifications of the Nuremberg Castle . In 1564 Nicolas Neufchâtel made a portrait of Valentin Kötzler. Kötzler had the castle built in Steinach (Fürth) from 1659 to 1661 .


  1. Ulrich Grimm: Valentin Kötzler (1499–1564) in Legal History Carved in Stone from Two Millennia , Nuremberg Higher Regional Court, 2008
  2. ^ House of Bavarian History: Portrait of Dr. Valentin Kötzler