Association of German Nature Parks

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Association of German Nature Parks
purpose Umbrella organization of the nature parks
Chair: Friedel Heuwinkel
Establishment date: 1963
Seat : Bonn

The Verband Deutscher Naturparke eV (VDN) has been the umbrella organization for nature parks in Germany since 1963 , in which the nature park sponsors have come together.

Membership can be acquired by any sponsor of a nature park upon application. The sponsors are the federal states, which are represented by their state administrations, special purpose associations, registered associations or other public corporations. The VDN is recognized as an association called to participate in accordance with the Federal Nature Conservation Act .

The association supports its members in building up the nature parks and developing them into exemplary landscapes. The VDN is a consultant, specialist forum and initiator for the nature parks, it makes the tasks and services of the nature parks known to the public, represents the interests of the nature parks on a political level and promotes the exchange of experiences and cooperation between the nature parks in Germany and Europe. Examples of the work are the "Quality Offensive Nature Parks" as a voluntary instrument for the continuous improvement of the quality of work and offers of the nature parks and the "Petersberg Program" of the nature parks. With this, the VDN has set priorities for the development of the nature parks in the coming years. Other current projects are "Nature parks in Germany - strong partners for biological diversity", "Nature parks make schools" and the "Nature Park Discovery West".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b nature parks. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation;
  2. Environment and nature conservation associations recognized by the federal government. Federal Environment Agency, June 17, 2019 .;
  3. Tasks and goals. VDN;
  4. Quality offensive nature parks. VDN;
  5. Quality offensive nature parks. Label online;
  6. Nature parks. Environment Ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia;
  7. Nature Park Discovery West. Eifel Nature Park;