Umbrella organization for filmmakers in Germany

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The umbrella organization of film-making artists in Germany (Dacho) was a union-like organization of professional associations of the German film industry in the Weimar Republic .

The purpose of the organization was to "ensure a uniform and effective representation of the interests of the affiliated member associations in all joint professional matters in the artistic, cultural, economic and social field". The Dacho saw itself as a representation of filmmakers in contrast to the SPIO , the representation of the film industry.

Member organizations

As main associations:

  • Association of German Film Directors V.
  • Association of German Cameramen V.
  • Association of German Film Architects V.
  • Association of German Film Actors V.
  • Society of Filmmusikautoren Deutschlands e. V.
  • Association of film-making sound engineers in Germany V.
  • Association of German Film Cutters V. (from 1932)

As sub-associations:

  • Association of Camera Assistants
  • Association of Film Photographers
  • Association of small actors in German film


Founded in 1928

The association was founded on May 16, 1928 in Berlin. The German professional associations of authors, directors, cameramen, architects, actors and music authors were involved in its creation. The relevant efforts go back to 1926. A significant part of the founding initiative and the development work of Dacho goes back to the early deceased first chairman Lupu Pick .

When Lupu Pick, the first chairman, suddenly died, the director Georg Wilhelm Pabst succeeded him in April 1931 . At the general meeting on May 9, 1932, the director Carl Froelich was elected Dacho President. The total number of members was over 1200 at the end of 1932. In May 1933 the association dissolved. Carl Froelich, a member of the NSDAP since 1933 , became President of the Reichsfilmkammer in 1939 .

As before with the SPIO, after the Second World War in 1951 there was an attempt to re-establish Dacho, but it was dissolved again in March 1956. The union representation of filmmakers took over various other organizations.

Emblem of the Association of Film and Television Workers in the GDR

In the DDR

In 1967, the Association of Film and Television Workers of the GDR was founded in the German Democratic Republic with the propagated goal of promoting the self-understanding of its members on ideological and creative problems of socialist film and television production.

Individual evidence

  1. Articles of Association (quote)
  2. Yearbook of the Film Industry 1933
  3. ^ Meyers Lexicon in four volumes , Volume IV, VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig, 1st edition 1980, license no. 433130/90/80, order no. 5766309


  • Umbrella organization of Filmmakers Germany eV, Berlin . In: Karl Wolffsohn (ed.): Yearbook of the film industry . Verlag der "Lichtbildbühne", Berlin, 5th year 1933, ZDB -ID 532211-x .
  • Filmmakers' organizations . In: Georg Roeber, Gerhard Jacoby: Handbook of the film industry media areas. The economic manifestations of film in the entertainment, advertising, education and television fields . Verlag Documentation Saur, Pullach 1973, ISBN 3-7940-3272-1 .