Forbidden brides faceless slaves in the secret house of the night of gruesome lusts

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Forbidden Brides faceless slaves in the secret House of Night horrible cravings (Original title: Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire ) is a published in 2004 short story of the English author Neil Gaiman .


The story takes place on two levels : In the internal narrative , the young Amelia Earnshawe flees from ghouls in an old villa. There she finds out that an agreement exists between her family and the ghoul lords, on the basis of which the Earnshawes must bring "brides" to the ghouls. The narrative ends with a ghoul's request that the brides receive “these delicious little rolls” as a side dish .

The framework story is about a young writer whose name is not mentioned. It soon becomes clear that the writer is putting the story of Amelia Earnshare on paper, but in despair because humor is unintentionally creeping in all over the place. The author exchanges ideas with his butler and the chambermaid. Again and again he emphasizes that he wants to present a lifelike representation of the world in his novel, which he does not succeed. Meanwhile, in the world of the nameless author, things are happening that one would generally call fantastic: a speaking raven appears, Aunt Agathe rattles her chains under the roof , the author's brother, believed dead, returns and engages in a duel to life and death.

The young writer finally decides to leave his "realistic" novel about the brides of the ghouls unfinished. He begins to write a new story and thus - as he thinks - to go into the realm of the fantastic . The “fantastic” story begins with Amelia Earnshawe toasting whole wheat bread while looking at her husband George Earnshawe , who is reading the newspaper and will soon be going to the office.

The author is completely absorbed in his work; he has found his calling as a fantastic writer.

Origin and publications

The first version of Forbidden Brides ... was written in 1983. Gaiman then gave the manuscript to read by some people whose opinions he valued. They judged the story to be "facetious rubbish" that nobody would publish. Twenty years later, Gaiman was asked to write a story for a Gothic anthology. Gaiman remembered the old manuscript, retrieved it, and found it good. After Gaiman had revised the original text a bit, Forbidden Brides ... appeared in the anthology Gothic! Ten Original Dark Tales .

In 2005 Verbotene Bräute… was awarded the Locus Award for the best short story. The following year the story was featured in Gaiman's short story collection Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders . The German translation forbidden brides faceless slaves in the secret house of the night of gruesome desires appeared in 2010 in the collection Zerbrechliche Dinge: stories & miracles at Klett-Cotta.


  • Neil Gaiman: Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire . In: Deborah Noyes (Ed.): Gothic! Ten Original Dark Tales . 1st edition. Candlewick Press, 2004, ISBN 978-0-7636-2243-5 .
  • Neil Gaiman: Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire . In: Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders . Harper, 2010, ISBN 978-0-06-051523-2 .
  • Neil Gaiman: Forbidden Brides Faceless Slaves in the Secret House of Night of Horrific Desires . In: Fragile Things: Stories & Miracles . 1st edition. Klett-Cotta, 2010, ISBN 978-3-608-93876-0 .

Individual references, footnotes

  1. ^ Neil Gaiman: Neil Gaiman's Journal: Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire. August 15, 2003, accessed December 4, 2011 .