Association of Pioneers of Yugoslavia

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Badge and slogan

The union of the pioneers of Yugoslavia ( Serbo-Croatian  Savez pionira Jugoslavije / Савез пионира Југославије , Slovenian Zveza pionirjev Jugoslavije (ZPJ) macedonian Сојуз на пионери на Југославија ) or short Tito Pioneers (titovi Pioniri) , the mass political organization for children was in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia , which served political indoctrination . The association was founded on December 27, 1942, as a subdivision of the United League of Antifascist Youth of Yugoslavia ( Ujedinjeni savez antifašističke omladine Jugoslavije ) and was later part of the Association of Socialist Youth of Yugoslavia . Although membership was voluntary, practically almost all children between the ages of 7 and 14 were compulsory. The motto of the association was: For the homeland - with TITO - forward!


In the city of Bihać, which had previously been occupied by the fascist Ustasha , the First Congress of Yugoslavia's anti-fascist youth took place between December 27 and 29, 1942 . In the course of this congress, the United Federation of Anti-Fascist Youth of Yugoslavia was founded, with the Association of Pioneers as a subdivision. This united various anti-fascist youth associations in order to coordinate the participation of youth associations in the fighting in the course of the partisan war . At the end of the war, 40,000 of the 800,000 partisans were under 15 years of age.

outer appearance

Pioneers during Haile Selassi's visit to Postojna in 1959

The Tito pioneers could be recognized mainly by their red scarves and the so-called Titovka or partisan cap . This was worn by the pioneers in blue or white, with a red star ( Partizanska zvijezda ) on the front. Often blue trousers or skirts and white stockings were worn. The clothes varied, however. Mostly normal street clothes were worn, to which the scarves and the titovka were added. Depending on the occasion, the pioneers also appeared in regional costumes. The salute of the pioneers, referring to the traditions of the partisans, was the military salute or the so-called partisan fist , i.e. the right clenched fist on the temple.


Admission of new pioneers to Slovenia in 1961

The admission of new pioneers usually took place in the school as part of a ceremony to mark the Republic Day (Dan Republike / Дан Републике) on November 29th and 30th. Here the children of the first grades of a year took the pioneer oath and received the red scarf, the titovka , the badge of the Association of Pioneers and the membership book. Membership was voluntary, but it was compulsory for almost all children of a year to pioneer. The formula of the oath could differ slightly in the different regions and schools:

“Today I became a pioneer,
I give my pioneer
word of
honor : That I will study and work hard, that I will honor parents and the elderly,
And that I will be a good comrade;
That I will love our self-governing homeland,
The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
Which develops in fraternity and unity
And according to the ideas for which he fought, Tito;
And that I value all people in the world who
strive for freedom and peace! "

Pioneer oath

Serbo-Croatian Slovenian Macedonian
Danas, kada postajem pionir Danes, ko postajam pionir Денес, кога станувам пионер
Dajem časnu pionirsku riječ: Dajem častno pionirsko besedo: Давам чесен пионерски збор:
Da ću marljivo učiti i raditi Da se bom marljivo in vztrajno učil Дека вредно ќе учам и работам
Počastit će roditelje i starije Bo spoštoval starše in starejše Kе ги почитува родители и постарите
I biti dobar drug; In da bom dober tovariš; И ќе бидам добар другар;
Da ću voljeti našu samoupravnu domovinu Since bom ljubil našo samoupravno domovino Дека ќе ја сакам нашата самоуправна татковина
Socijalističku Federativnu Republiku Jugoslaviju Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo Социјалистичка Федеративна Република Југославија
Da ću razvijati bratstvo i jedinstvo Because bom razvijal bratstvo in enotnost Дека ќе го развивам братството и единството
I ideje za koje se borio Tito; Ter ideje, za katere se je boril Tito; И идеите за кои се бореше Тито
Da ću cijeniti sve ljude svijeta Da bom cenil vse ljudi sveta Дека ќе ги почитувам сите луѓе на светот
koji žele slobodu i me! ki želijo svobodo in me! кои сакаат слобода и мир!


The pioneers were students in the first seven grades and were divided into two groups, the first including children from 6 to 11 years of age and the second to children from 11 to 14 years of age. The basic organizations (međuodredski) often bore the names of outstanding personalities, such as partisans, deserving veterans and communists. Each basic organization had its own pennant, drum, trumpet and seal.

There were two crucial pillars in pioneering work: pioneering work in school and pioneering work in leisure time. Pioneer houses , pioneer clubs and tent camps were available for the organization of the leisure activities and there was cooperation with other organizations such as the fire brigade, the Red Cross, the militia, the scouts and sports organizations. The pioneering work was coordinated by so-called pioneer leaders , who were usually primary school teachers and had special additional qualifications.

Pioneers elect their representation in Slovenia in 1957

The basic organizations were organized in the class, to which the pioneer organization of the school was superordinate. A decisive educational goal in socialist Yugoslavia was education for self-government . The children of a basic organization chose their own cadre , with the support of the class teacher. In addition, the pioneers elected representatives at school level to the school committee, which acted like a kind of student council. In this way, the children should learn how to actively shape life and work in society and how to work together with other children, young people, teachers and other adults.

In addition, there was pioneer theater, youth hostels, pioneer cities and the pioneer railway in Zagreb in the supraregional area. In addition, national events were held, such as pioneer camps, festivals, Olympics and solidarity campaigns.

Newspapers, magazines

  • Pionir magazine


  • Idliko Erdei: "The Happy Child" as an Icon of Socialist Transformation: Yugoslavia's Pioneer Organization. In: John R. Lampe, Mark Mazower (Eds.): Ideologies and National Identities. The Case of Twentieth Century South Eastern Europe. Central European Univ. Press, Budapest / New York 2004, ISBN 963-9241-72-5 , pp. 154-179.
  • Mladen Kušec: POZDRAV DOMOVINI. [Greetings from home] Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1986.
  • Mihajlo Ogrizović: Dječja grupa "Budućnost": preteča Saveza pionira Jugoslavije [The children's group "Future": forerunner of the Association of Pioneers of Yugoslavia.] Radničke novine, Zagreb 1989, ISBN 86-7057-075-0 .
  • Emil Paravina: Kako da pioniri proslave Titov rođendan. [How pioneers celebrate Tito's birthday.] Savjeta Saveza pionira Narodne Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb 1951.
  • Emil Paravina: Yes sam pionir - slikovnica za učenike prvih razreda osnovne škole. 12. izd. [I am a pioneer - picture book for first grade students] Republički savjet za unapređivanje rada Saveza pionira, Zagreb 1982.
  • Emil Paravina: Naša organizacija: Savez pionira Jugoslavije - program, upute, pitanja, zadaci, odgovori. [Our organization: The Association of Pioneers of Yugoslavia - program, questions, tasks, answers.] Savez društava "Naša djeca" SR Hrvatske, Zagreb 1987.


  1. Kasim Suljević (ed.): Lijepo stoji partizanska bluza . [The good-looking partisan blouse.] Committee for the construction of the monument of the homeland of the first congress of USAOJ-a, Bihać 1976, p. 31.
  2. Ljubinka Bogetic, Dragoljub Djurovic: Hronologija revolucionarne borbe SKJ 1919-1979. [Chronology of the revolutionary struggle of the BKJ. 1919–1979] Pres-kliping, Beograd 1980.
  3. Idliko Erdei: "The Happy Child" as an Icon of Socialist Transformation: Yugoslawia's Pioneer Organization. In: John R. Lampe, Mark Mazower (Eds.): Idiologigies and National Identities. The Case of Twentieth-Century South Eastern Europe. Pp. 154–179, here 159f.
  4. Kasim Suljević (ed.): Lijepo stoji partizanska bluza . [The good-looking partisan blouse.] Committee for the construction of the monument of the homeland of the first congress of USAOJ-a, Bihać 1976, p. 30.
  5. Josip Malić: Razrednik u osnovnoj Skoli. [Class teacher in a primary school.] Schulbuchverlag, Zagreb 1973, p. 44 ff.
  6. Juraj Bukša (ed.): Svijet oko nas: enciklopedija za djecu i omladinu. [The world around us: encyclopedia for children and young people.] Schulbuchverlag, Zagreb 1987, p. 153 f.
  7. Josip Malić: Razrednik u osnovnoj Skoli. [Class teacher in a primary school.] Schulbuchverlag, Zagreb 1973, p. 44 ff.
  8. Josip Malić: Razrednik u osnovnoj Skoli. [Class teacher in a primary school.] Zagreb: Schulbuchverlag, Zagreb 1973, p. 44 ff.