Traffic quiz

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The traffic quiz is an evaluation tool for checking standards in traffic / mobility education at secondary level and was commissioned by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt). To this end, a research project was carried out with this aim.

The research project

With the help of the traffic quiz for the 6th and 9th / 10th In the 2nd class and a bicycle course, teachers receive feedback on the performance level of their students in the field of traffic and mobility education. On the basis of the results it can then be deduced "by mouse click" which content in the cognitive and motor area still needs to be dealt with in order to guarantee a minimum standard with regard to the various topics of traffic and mobility education for the students.

Student version: sample exercise (Image: University of Bonn)


The traffic and mobility education in secondary schools often does not meet the requirements of the recommendation of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of 1994. As part of a working group of representatives of the BASt and the Ministries of Education, evaluation instruments have been developed with the help of which the achievement of the specified goals can be checked.

Research method and content

The working group, in which all speakers from the cultural authorities of the federal states responsible for traffic and mobility education are represented, developed performance standards (minimum standards) for traffic and mobility education. For this purpose, the Center for Evaluation and Methods, University of Bonn , developed evaluation instruments for traffic and mobility education. A group of experts, which included representatives of the cultural authorities of the federal states , as well as scientists and practitioners from various specialist areas, advised the research participants over the entire duration of the project.

For the content processing, the performance standards were described as competencies and items. The aim was to formulate the competencies through various questions so concretely that they can be measured in a test procedure. Over 200 different points were worked out, discussed, reviewed, modified or found to be suitable. The instruments were empirically checked using a large number of test procedures: Among other things, qualitative procedures were used to determine whether there were any difficulties in understanding the formulation of questions, answers and work instructions. With the help of quantitative preliminary tests, the appropriate level of difficulty of the questions was adjusted.

Further investigations checked the validity of the test instruments. It is determined whether a procedure actually measures what is intended or whether other variables such as school performance or computer skills are recorded. This was followed by testing the reliability , i.e. the measurement accuracy. In addition, the practicality was tested in everyday school life.

At the same time, the researchers developed a bicycle course for grade 6 pupils on an empirical basis, on the basis of which teachers and pupils receive feedback on the level of performance in relation to the most important motor skills of cycling. The course was designed in such a way that little material, time and personnel expenditure is required. The students are involved in the construction and implementation. The course has been empirically checked.

Results and Conclusions

Overall, the traffic quiz for the 6th and 9th/10. For students and teachers, appealing instruments are available to the class as well as the bicycle course, which provide insights into the development of the skills required for safe participation in road traffic and provide clues for the content orientation of school traffic and mobility education.

In addition, there is the possibility to collect the data of the different classes, schools and countries for country and national evaluations, to identify strengths and weaknesses at a higher aggregation level and possibly in a further step in the sense of an input-output comparison particularly effective measures to identify traffic education and other relevant framework conditions. It is up to the federal states to decide which application of the program will ultimately prevail.

Teachers can obtain the program from the relevant accident insurance institutions.

To the content of the CD

Traffic quiz for 9./10. Class: Topic "Preparation for participation in motorized road traffic"

The quiz for grade 6 contains 43 tasks, for grade 9/10 there are 67. In addition to answering knowledge questions, observation and reaction tasks must be solved. The quiz was designed to be varied: text questions, picture with questions, film with questions, film with observation tasks. It takes about 35 minutes to complete. The assessment is based on a point system. Finally, you can go through the entire quiz again and check which questions were answered correctly and which were not. If the answer is wrong, the correct solution will be shown.

Teacher version

The teacher version offers a variety of options. If there is a network in the school, the quiz can be started and ended centrally. If none is available, each PC is operated individually. The results of the students are entered, collected and managed. A certificate can be printed out for each student.

The presentation and evaluation of the results is possible at pupil, class or school level. In this way, teachers receive comprehensive information about the current level of performance of the students and can build on it for further lessons.

Bicycle course

The motor skills of the pupils in class 6 can be assessed by means of a bicycle course. The course consists of seven stations that represent essential road traffic situations: 1. Slalom, 2. Slow speed, 3. Climbing up and down, 4. Driving in a narrow lane, 5. Turning left, 6. Driving one-handed eight, 7. Stopping between two lines. The structure can be adapted to local conditions. Only materials that are normally available in schools are required.

Additional evaluation options

Finally, there is the option of sending the results of the traffic quiz and bicycle course to an external BASt server. This enables the anonymized data to be evaluated with regard to overarching issues.


  • K. Heidemann, V. Hufgard, E.-M. Sindern, S. Riek, G. Rudinger: The traffic quiz - development of evaluation instruments to achieve standards in traffic / mobility education at secondary level. Reports of the Federal Highway Research Institute, Human and Safety Sub-series (M205)
  • The complete program including the teacher version and the installation instructions for use on a PC as well as the accompanying manual are available from the Federal Highway Research Institute, Brüderstraße 53, 51427 Bergisch Gladbach.

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