Publishing group engagement

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The Engagement Publishing Group is a working group and interest group of German-speaking Catholic publishers that was founded on September 14, 1971 in the Catholic Academy in Munich. One of the reasons for this project were the changes and reorientations initiated by the Second Vatican Council (1962 to 1965), which also had consequences for Catholic publishers.

Goal and activities

The purpose and aim of the publishing group is the cooperation of like-minded publishers for the mutual promotion of their ideal and economic interests and the dissemination of religious-theological media.

This is to be achieved through:

  • through the joint publication of published works (e.g. together with the publishing community Topos plus the Topos pocket books and the Catholic adult catechism);
  • by conducting and coordinating joint promotions and sales activities;
  • through the exchange of experiences and joint training and further education.


Current members

Resigned members

  • Bernward (Benno-More) - Verlag, Hildesheim
  • Driewer Verlag (founding member; no longer exists)
  • Verlag J. Pfeiffer GmbH (founding member; no longer exists)
  • Lahn-Verlag, Limburg / Kevelaer (founding member, part of Butzon & Bercker since 2015)
  • Matthias Grünewald Verlag, Mainz / Ostfildern (now part of the Patmos publishing group, Ostfildern)
  • NZN Verlag, Zurich (founding member)
  • Verlag Styria , Graz (founding member)
  • Paulusverlag, Freiburg (CH) (founding member)

Web links