Aplysina aerophoba

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Aplysina aerophoba
Aplysina aerophoba.jpg

Aplysina aerophoba

Class : Horned Silica Sponges (Demospongiae)
Order : Aplysinidae
Family : Suberitidae
Genre : Aplysina
Type : Aplysina aerophoba
Scientific name
Aplysina aerophoba
Nardo , 1843

Aplysina aerophoba , is a species of sponges and belongs to the class of horned silica sponges . Because of its color, it is also known as the gold sponge or golden cone sponge. The specific epithet aerophoba comes from the Greek and means fear of the air , as the sponge turns blue-black in the air.


Aplysina aerophoba forms colonies that can reach a diameter of over 1 meter. The individual tubes are up to 4 cm high and 2.5 cm in diameter and each have an osculum . The sponge is light yellow, with a slightly greenish-reddish hue that comes from cyanobacteria that are embedded in the mesohyl . There the cyanobacteria contribute up to 38% of the biomass of the sponge. Bromine-containing compounds can account for up to 12% of the dry matter. If the tissue is injured, isoxazoline alkaloids are converted to aeroplysinin-1 and a dienone derived from it , which are interpreted as a chemical defense against predators and as an agent against biofouling .


The distribution area includes the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic from Spain and the Azores south at least to the Canary Islands . The species can be relatively common on rocky coasts between 0.5 m and 20 m deep.


The snail Tylodina perversa feeds on the sponge and lays its eggs on it.


  1. a b c d Peter Wirtz, Helmut Debelius: Lower animals Mediterranean and Atlantic Hamburg. Jahr-Top-Special-Verlag, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-86132-681-7
  2. Rupert Riedl: Fauna and flora of the Mediterranean. Parey, Hamburg 1983, ISBN 3-490-23418-9
  3. Werner EG Müller: Sponges (Porifera) . Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2003, ISBN 3-540-00968-X

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Commons : Aplysina aerophoba  - collection of images, videos and audio files