Ordinance of the Ministry of Culture on the establishment and tasks of student co-responsibility

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Basic data
Title: Ordinance of the Ministry of Culture
on the establishment and tasks
of student co-responsibility
Short title: SMV regulation
Abbreviation: SMV-VO, SMVV BW
Type: regulation
Scope: Baden-Württemberg
Issued on the basis of: Section 70 SchG
Legal matter: School law
References : BWGältV subject area 2205-4
Issued on: June 8, 1976
( Journal of Laws p. 524)
Entry into force on: August 1, 1976
Last change by: Art. 1 Amendment Ordinance of January 20, 2012
( Journal of Laws p. 61)
Effective date of the
last change:
February 25, 2012
(Art. 2 Amendment Regulation of January 20, 2012)
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The ordinance of the Ministry of Culture on the establishment and tasks of student co-responsibility , or SMV ordinance for short , is an ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg , which specifies the participation of students in shaping school life as provided for in the state constitution and in the school law .

Article 21 of the state constitution reads "The young people in schools are to be educated to be free and responsible citizens and to be involved in shaping school life." Paragraphs 62 to 70 of the School Act contain fundamental stipulations on the tasks and structure of student co-responsibility (SMV) . These are specified in the SMV regulation.

Duties and rights

The SMV regulation assigns the student co-responsibility to the following tasks and rights:

  1. The SMV is intended to promote the technical, sporting, cultural, social and political interests of the students through generally accessible events.
  2. The SMV represents the interests of the students; she is allowed to articulate suggestions, wishes and complaints to the teachers, the school principal and the parents' representatives.
  3. The SMV advises individual students; especially with regard to their right to be heard before a decision is made on educational and regulatory measures that affect them.

Elections and assemblies

The SMV regulation regulates that the class meeting is convened and chaired by the class representative and the student council by the student representative. In principle, elections have to be general, free, equal, immediate and secret. The class representatives and the student representative are re-elected at the beginning of each school year. The student council is authorized to issue “SMV statutes” which can contain more detailed regulations on this.

Support of the SMV

The SMV regulation obliges teachers, parents and school supervisory authorities to support the SMV. No pupil may be favored or disadvantaged because of his work in the SMV. As far as possible, the school principal must provide the SMV with the space and time that it needs for its work. He must provide the SMV with a notice board for their announcements .


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