Via crucis (Liszt)

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Age portrait of Franz Liszt by Louis Held (1884)

Via crucis (The 14 Stations of the Cross) is a work for mixed choir, soloists and organ or harmonium by Franz Liszt (1811–1886). There is also an autograph version for choir, soloists and piano, which does not differ in its musical substance. The work was written in Rome in September and October 1878 and completed in Budapest in February 1879.


The work consists of 15 movements. An introductory movement, which uses two stanzas from the Latin hymn Vexilla Regis , is followed by 14 pieces dedicated to the 14 stations of the cross . In addition to quotations from the Passion reports in Latin , Liszt uses a half-strophe from the Stabat mater , his own arrangements of the hymns O head full of blood and wounds and O sadness, o heartache! and in the 14th station another verse from Vexilla Regis.

Organ and choir

1. Vexilla regis prodeunt,
fulget crucis mysterium,
quo carne carnis conditor
suspensus est patibulo.

1. The king's banner stands forward;
the mystery of the cross shines out,
on the beam of which the Creator of the flesh
in the flesh is hung.

3. Impleta sunt, quae concinit
David fideli carmine
dicendo nationibus:
Regnavit a ligno Deus.

3. What is fulfilled is what
David proclaimed in reliable song
when he said to the peoples:
God reigns from the wood.

Hymn in Honore sanctae crucis / Hymus in honor of the Holy Cross
Venantius Fortunatus , Bishop of Poitiers (569)

Station 1 - Jesus is sentenced to death
Organ and bass

Innoncens ego sum a sanguine justi hujus.

I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man.
( Mt 27.24  EU )

Station 2 - Jesus carries his cross
Organ and bass

Ave, crux!

Greetings, cross!
see station 14

Station 3 - Jesus falls for the first time
Organ and choir

Jesus cadit.

Jesus falls.

Stabat mater dolorosa
Iuxta crucem lacrimosa,
dum pendebat filius;

The painful mother stood
crying by the cross
on which her son was hanging.

Stabat mater , Mary sequence from the 13th century
Station 4 - Jesus meets his mother
Station 5 - Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross
Station 6 - Sancta Veronica (Veronica hands Jesus the handkerchief)
Organ and choir

O head full of blood and wounds , full of pain and full of scorn!
O head, bound in mockery with a crown of thorns!
Oh head, otherwise beautifully adorned with the highest honor and ornament,
but now most insulted, greetings to you!
( Paul Gerhardt , 1656)

Station 7 - Jesus falls the second time
Organ and choir

Jesus cadit.

Jesus falls.

Stabat mater dolorosa
Iuxta crucem lacrimosa,
dum pendebat filius;

The painful mother stood
crying by the cross
on which her son was hanging.

Stabat mater , Mary sequence from the 13th century
Station 8 - The women of Jerusalem (Jesus meets the weeping women)
Organ and bass

Nolite flere super me,
sed super vos ipsas flete
et super filios vestros

Do not
weep for me, but weep for yourself
and your children.
( Lk 23.28  EU )

Station 9 - Jesus falls the third time
Organ and choir

Jesus cadit.

Jesus falls.

Stabat mater dolorosa
Iuxta crucem lacrimosa,
dum pendebat filius;

The painful mother stood
crying by the cross
on which her son was hanging.

Stabat mater , Mary sequence from the 13th century
Station 10 - Jesus is undressed (Jesus is stripped of his clothes)
Station 11 - Jesus is nailed to the cross
Organ and choir


Crucify him!

Station 12 - Jesus dies on the cross
Organ, bass, choir

Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani?

My god, my god, why did you leave me?
( Mt 27.46  EU ) ( Ps 22.2  EU )

In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum.

I command my spirit into your hands.
( Lk 23.46  EU )

Consummatum est.

It is finished.
( Joh 19.30  EU )

1 O sadness, o heartache, is that not to be deplored?
God the Father, one child, is carried to the grave.
( Friedrich Spee , Mainz, 1628)

Station 13 - Jesus is taken from the cross
Station 14 - Jesus is placed in the grave
Organ and choir

6. Ave crux, spes unica,
mundi salus et gloria,
auge piis justitiam,
reisque dona veniam.
Ave crux!

6. Greetings, cross, only hope;
Salvation and honor of the world, increase
the righteousness of the faithful
and show mercy to sinners.

Hymn in Honore sanctae crucis / Hymn for the honor of the Holy Cross

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Kohlhase (Tübingen 1977) in the foreword to: Franz Liszt: Via Crucis Carus 40.173 pp. 2-3.