Vibes (mythology)

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The vibes (singular vibis ) are Noric female deities or divine beings of Celtic mythology . They are spring deities and are considered the guardians of the thermal springs of Warmbad . In a sense, the Celtic vibes can be equated with Greek spring nymphs .

The name of the vibes comes from the Celtic and translates as "the bubbly".

Inscriptions in which the Viben are called have so far only been found in Noricum - including in Vranje , Slovenia, in Warmbad near Villach, in Lauriacum (Lorch near Enns) and in Flavia Solva (Wagna near Leibnitz).


  • Hermann Vetters : Vibes. In: Carinthia I Volume 140, 1950, pp. 140-145.
  • Fritz Lochner von Hüttenbach: Comments on the names Vibenus and Vibes. In: Situla Volume 13/15, 1974, pp. 143-146.
  • Erwin M. Ruprechtsberger : Vibe sacrum. A unique inscribed testimony from Lauriacum together with other finds. In: Yearbook of the Upper Austrian Museum Association. Volume 129, 1. Abhandlungen, Linz 1984, pp. 55-67, online (PDF) in the forum
  • Fritz Lochner von Hüttenbach: Linguistic commentary on VIBE on an inscription stone from Lauriacum. In: Yearbook of the Upper Austrian Museum Association. Volume 129, 1st treatises, Linz 1984, pp. 68-70.


  1. ^ Hermann Vetters: Virunum . In: Hildegard Temporini (ed.): Political history (provinces and marginal peoples: Latin Danube-Balkan area) (= rise and decline of the Roman world : history and culture of Rome as reflected in recent research. II: Principat. Sixth volume). De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1977, p. 343.