Vida (trobadord seal)

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A vida is a biographical prose text in Provencal language that tells the life of a trobador or trobairitz of the 12th and 13th centuries.

About 180 Vidas have survived, ranging from short texts from just a few lines to long texts lasting several pages.

The Vidas contain information about the origin, the activities, the places of their work, the ladies revered by the Trobadors (or the gentlemen revered by the Trobairitz) and his reputation as a poet. They are generally not written by the described poet himself.

Vidas often contain verifiable facts, but also verifiable misinformation up to adventurous deductions based on the lyrics of the poets. The Vidas are therefore important sources, which, however, should not be accepted as facts as a whole without criticism.

The Razos are closely related to the Vidas .


  • Jean Boutière and Alexander H. Schutz: Biographies des Troubadors. 1949 (new edition 1972, ISBN 0-8337-4000-8 )
  • Margaraita Egan: Les vies des Troubadours. Union Générale D'Éditions, Paris 1985 ISBN 2-264-00638-2 (the book contains the vidas of 61 troubadours in both Provencal and French )
