Viktor Kauder

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Viktor Kauder (born December 25, 1899 in Lodz , Russian Empire ; † July 2, 1985 in Zirl , Tyrol ) was a German librarian, ethnicity and German researcher, who is one of the protagonists of ethnic science.


Viktor Kauder was the publisher of Ostdeutsche Forschungen , Deutsche Gaue im Osten , Ostdeutsche Heimatbücher , Ostdeutsche Heimathefte , together with the historian (Ostforscher) Alfred Lattermann (1894–1945): German Monthly Issues in Poland: Journal for the history and present of Germanness in Poland . He was head of the Library of the German East in Herne . Kauder has received numerous honors and awards.

Fonts (selection)

  • Vom Stande (= the structure, contributions to the rebuilding of the cultural forms of East Germany). The White Knight Publishing House, Berlin 1923.
  • The Germanness in Polish Silesia . Günther Wolff, 1932.
  • The Germanness in Poland. An illustrated book. Wolff zu Plauen, 1937. New edition S. Hirzel, 1942. 545 pages.
  • The Germanness in the Silesian Voivodeship. Hirzel, Leipzig 1937.
  • with Kurt Lück : German-Polish neighborhood. Life pictures of German helpers in Poland. Publications of the Göttingen working group, 178. Holzner Verlag, Würzburg 1957. ( table of contents )

References and footnotes

  1. ZVAB


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